Higher temperatures and pressures in diesel fuel systems make clean fuel more important than ever. Dirt and metal particles as small as 5 microns can damage key components which can lead to difficulties with your engine and diesel fuel system.

Perkins Filters can remove particles that are smaller than 4 microns and are proven to protect your engine for longer than other filters that are on the market.

Case Study

To prove that the Perkins filters provide superior protection and are better than other filters, they ran a test using the Perkins filter 4650996 and other competitive filter brands. They used a 9 litre engine fuel system to test the injector life, they run highly contaminated fuel through the system and tested to see how long it would be until the injector started leaking. As seen down below in the line graph, the Perkins filter lasted the longest as well as maintaining a lower leakage rate.

Overall, the test that was taken out shows that Perkins filters help protect the fuel system as well as increasing injector life.

If you want to purchase a Perkins filter, browse our webshop where we have a broad range of the Perkins filters available. This ranging from Oil filters and Fuel Filters.

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