Pothole damage is the worst in March states new data from the Admiral. The data reveals that the amount of pothole claims has increased by 34% since 2016, suggested a lot more people are now battling with the uneven roads in the UK.

Since January, there has been the highest amount of claims resulting at more than 36%. Due to more claims, they investigated into how much damage the roads in the UK were affecting the vehicles.

The damaged caused by potholes has increased by 16% since last year which is likely linked to the higher tech vehicles and the rising cost of vehicle repairs.

What causes potholes?

Late winter has seen the temperatures drop to below freezing causing the cracks in the roads to widen and affect the structure of the road. With then the roads being used, the cracks being driven over thousands of times a day, the cracks gradually become wider creating a big hole in the roads surface.

Heavy vehicles also contribute to potholes by putting stress on the road surface, which can cause cracks and erosion.

Poor road maintenance, such as failing to fill cracks or potholes in a timely manner, can also lead to the development of larger potholes over time. Ultimately, a combination of these factors can result in dangerous road conditions and costly repairs for local governments and drivers alike.


As part of the Spring Budget, it has been announced that a £200m boost has been made into funding to fix potholes in England. The funding in total, has now increased to £700m in the 2023/2024 financial year.

Source: Garage Wire